Natural Park Sierra Norte
Natural Park Sierra Norte in Sevilla province, covers an area of Sierra Morena where the dominant landscape is made up of extensive meadows of oak trees. They nest endangered species like the rare black stork and imperial eagle.
The orography of the mountains is gentle and rolling, typical of ancient massifs long subjected to erosion. Rivers Viar, and Bank of Huesna Retortillo, all tributaries of the Guadalquivir river in the network that drains the Park.
The vegetation of Sierra Norte is adapted to the Mediterranean climate of hot dry summers and mild winters, with the oak and cork oak the most characteristic species. These, as we headed to the higher areas of the Park (Constantine, St. Nicholas and Cazalla) gives way to other more demanding species such as moisture and Turkey oak gall and Pyrenean oak. The latter finds its unique location in the province.
On the banks of rivers, and especially in the Ribera del Huesna, develop spectacular gallery forests very well preserved, consisting of plant species of high ecological value such as alder, ash, elm, poplar, all species willow, hackberry and hazelnut.
As for wildlife deer are the most characteristic representatives in the area of large herbivorous mammals Peninsula. These, along with the boar, hunting trophies are more frequent in the Park. Among the carnivorous mammals, there is evidence of the presence of lynx, although its population must be very small. Other more abundant species while elusive and difficult to see are the fox, the genet, polecat, badger, mongoose, wild cat and otter.
However, birds are the most abundant group of vertebrates in the Park. In this species find refuge as interesting as the imperial eagle, black vulture, the dipper and the black stork.
Among the geological and landscape values include Park Waterfalls of Huéznar Bank and Iron Mountain. In the latter, the extraction of iron, since Roman times, has created a landscape peculiar to remove the mineral accumulated in the gaps in the limestone of the "Karst". In the stunning waterfalls include travertine formations and magnificent forests of galleries.
The Sierra Norte is also rich in archaeological sites and burials have been found there in dolmens, numerous settlements and necropolis of the Roman era. There are also caves with prehistoric remains of civilizations such as the Caves of Santiago in Cazalla de la Sierra, which form a complex with different inputs and where several species of bats, or the Cave of the Covachos in Almaden de la Plata. In the latter there are rooms where carbonate formations of great beauty.